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  • 16 pasos


This program will provide you with helpful tools during difficult and uncertain times! Many of us may feel like victims of circumstance at a time; however, we still have powerful capabilities for adaptability over which we have control. Over the next few days, we invite you to learn more about the neuroscience behind emotional regulation, and how everyone can become more resilient during the most challenging situations. In our ever-changing world, resilience is vital for us to survive and even grow through difficulty. We often expect our lives to go in one direction, and then get thrown off course by a job change, an illness, or some other unexpected event – like the spread of the coronavirus. It’s natural to feel unease with the uncertainty that comes along with any radical and abrupt change. But recovering – being resilient – means we are able to quickly adapt, making us better able to leverage change, solve problems, and settle conflict. We are glad you have decided to join us... Welcome Aboard!

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